Diagnosis & Development of High Performance Teams for Real Teams

We provide highly skilled facilitators experienced in designing and facilitating bespoke workshops for real teams: whether functional, cross-functional or project teams.

These include:

1. Team Booster

1.5 – 3-day offsite workshops for teams who have already worked together for a while, but who need a boost and/or address hard and soft issues within the team and their key stakeholders.

Pre-workshop preparation process & diagnosis: 

(Usually 3-4 weeks before the workshop)

In order to obtain an accurate diagnosis of the team’s current issues, strengths and weaknesses, and therefore to focus the Team Booster workshop on addressing the key issues, the following process is followed:

• 2 interviews with the Team Leader (one at the beginning of the pre-workshop preparation process, and one at the end).

• In between, interviews with each team member, who will each be asked the same set of questions on an anonymous basis. (These interviews can be held face-to-face or virtually).

• The results will be collated in the form of easily digestible mind-maps and used to define the key objectives of the workshop. The results will be shown first to the Team Leader at the 2nd Interview, and to the whole team, shortly before the start of the Team Booster workshop.

• The 2nd interview with the Team Leader will review the results and key objectives, agenda and contents of the workshop, recommended by the facilitator based on what the team has said. 

• Once this and the logistical issues are agreed, the Team Booster workshop is ready to happen.

• Note: the type of location (offsite) and spending at least 1-2 nights together is a critical element in the success of the workshop.


2. Team Starter

1.5 – 2-day offsite workshops for teams who have a change in leader or a new team who need to set their strategic direction, priorities, way of working, and integrate as a team.

Agreeing the Team Mission will most likely be one of the key items on the agenda.

Pre-workshop preparation process & diagnosis: 

Similar process to Team Boosters, but a much shorter team member interview process (20 mins).


3. Team Leader Accelerator

A series of 3 workshops over a period 6 -18 months for team leaders (each with their respective teams), who wish to improve or acquire team facilitation and coaching skills in order to maximise their team’s collective intelligence and energy.

Pre-workshop preparation process & diagnosis: 

Similar process to Team Boosters. 

• The first workshop will be facilitated by the external facilitator

• The 2nd workshop will be co-facilitated and prepared by the external facilitator and the Team Leader

• The 3rd workshop will be prepared and facilitated by the Team Leader and observed by the external facilitator.


4. Empowerment Workshops

1.5 – 2-day workshops for teams who wish to take on more autonomy and empowerment and set a framework for doing so. 

This requires sponsorship and support from senior management, who wish to create a more agile and empowered organisation.

Pre-workshop Preparation:

Requires a 1–2-hour interview with the Team Leader to understand the team context, their readiness for change and empowerment, how these fit into the corporate culture, and the extent to which senior management of the company is prepared to support this initiative.

Main Contents:

• Team readiness for change

• To openly and transparently collect team views on selected topics, including what they mean by empowerment.

• To freely define team rules and learn from it.

• To collectively produce a Team Elevator Pitch (based on their agreed Team Mission).

• To learn from outside the team and organisation and make it relevant to the team.

• To get ready to keep and drop resources facing permanent change.

• To become aware of how you make decisions within the team.

• To review all empowerment territories to explore during the journey.

• To organise a set of actions into a sequence of legs within a journey.

• To launch the empowerment sprint with concrete steps.

• To review all that has been done during the workshop.


5. Team Coaching for Senior Teams

We have Team Coaches with many years of experience and skills at helping senior Leadership teams address their issues and change their culture and ways of working. 

A Team Coaching process usually last for a period of 6-18 months.

We also provide a new pioneering methodology, “Business Digital Twins”, which help make better strategic decisions, align leadership teams and manage their business in real-time.


0044 784 241 8475

Newcastle, UK

St Lawrence Road