Leading Organisational Change / Change Management

Courses on understanding and leading organisational change are usually tailored to the needs, context and culture of the client company

The design of the course will often depend on the following key elements:

Target Audience:

Example of a 3-day face-to-face course:
“Understanding & Leading Organisational Change”


· To reflect on and better understand the What, Why & How of Organisational Change.

· To put change management concepts and models into practice

· To practice and develop the skills, behaviours and attitudes required to lead, manage, communicate and implement organizational change, and to deal with the inevitable resistance involved.

This includes the following:

· Understand the implications of the current context on Leadership: what types and styles of leadership are required to transform organisations and their cultures?

· Explore some of the theories, models and tools which help lead organisational change and manage resistance to it.

· Provide the opportunity for participants to develop, improve and practice the skills, behaviours and attitudes required for leading the challenging and complex task of individual and organisational transformation.

· In particular, focus on

o   Communication & Influence

o   Managing conflict and difficult conversations (resistance to change)

o   Building (and re-building) Trust

o   Kotter’s 8-Step model for Leading Organisational Change

· In addition to these essential skills for leading and managing organisational change, participants will be given the opportunity to become more aware of their own skills and styles of Leadership, Communication and Conflict Management.

· Jointly reflect and propose ideas and action plans to further develop participant Leadership & Change Management skills, both as individuals, as well as a Team.

· Have some fun doing this…


The course is highly interactive and based on experiential learning. This will include:

· Role-plays in trios (Influencer-Opponent-Observer) for difficult conversations / conflicts

· Group work & paired sharing exercises.

· Experiential games to experience the impact of change on individual emotions, beliefs, behaviours and attitudes.

· Use of design-thinking and visual mapping tools.

· Case study applied to the 8-step Kotter model.

· Various self-assessments or questionnaires on individual levels of self-awareness, and on their own communication, conflict and leadership styles.


Duration: 3 full days.


Target Audience:

  1. The course is aimed at anyone who is in a leadership position, whether at a team, departmental, functional, or national-regional level, and who needs to acquire, improve and develop their change management skills.

This course is not designed for senior leaders with many years of leadership and change management experience.


0044 784 241 8475

Newcastle, UK

St Lawrence Road