Strategic Facilitation for C-Suite & Senior Leadership Teams

Bespoke workshops for senior leaders who need to develop their strategic goals and organisational priorities and at the same time align and motivate their teams.

Strategic facilitation for C-Suite & Senior Leadership Teams

Bespoke workshops for senior leaders who need to develop their strategic goals and organisational priorities and at the same time align and motivate their teams.

The design and preparation of these workshops require an investment in time with the respective CEO’s and Senior Leadership Team.
Location & Logistics
• Part of the workshop design will involve selecting the optimal location and surroundings for such a workshop.
• An important success factor for these workshops is creating the right environment, as well as finding the most appropriate level of intimacy and risk for the team in question.
Strategy Dynamics & Business Digital Twins
In addition to the above facilitation service, and in partnership with Dunlop & Brown, we offer CEO’s and Senior Leadership teams a pioneering new service for Strategic Development, Scenario Planning and for running your business in real-time.
We do this though Strategy Dynamics (a tried and tested methodology) incorporated into a Business Digital Twin.

0044 784 241 8475

Newcastle, UK

St Lawrence Road