María González Romero


Senior Consultant, Facilitator & Coach

Throughout my life I have done and been many different things. 

Intellectual property lawyer, head of an office, administrator of an SL, promoter of a foundation, curious student, coach, conflict mediator, trainer. Believer in non-violent communication. Shy, outgoing, fearful, daring, childlike, adult, restless, calm.  

At 40 I am beginning to understand what I am here for. I am interested and inspired to connect with another human being. Listening, observing, expressing myself. To weave networks of trust and authenticity. Learning from conflict, seeing beyond the problem. 

I am the author of a Non-Violence Communication book called “Detrás de las palabras”. 

I am married and have two daughters and a son. I love reading, walking, music and breakfast. And the smell of rain. 
