Transformational Leadership

Learning & Development for Strategic and Organizational Change

gestion de equipos

Strategic Facilitation for C-Suite & Senior Leadership Teams

Bespoke workshops for senior leaders who need to develop their strategic goals and organisational priorities and at the same time align and motivate their teams.

Strategy Dynamics & Business Digital Twins

In partnership with Dunlop & Brown, we offer CEO’s and Senior Leadership teams a pioneering new service for maximising your business’ strategic opportunity and coordinating real-time strategy execution.
4 roles en un equipo de trabajo

Leadership Courses adapted to your needs and culture

Leadership courses tend to focus on the type of Leadership styles required to lead and manage organisations in the current context.
lo diferente enriquece

Leading Organisational Change/ Change Management

Courses on understanding and leading organisational change are usually tailored to the needs, context and culture of the client company.
lider empresa

Leadership for Women

The Women's Leadership Development course is designed to inspire, empower and equip women of all ages and backgrounds to become effective leaders in their personal and professional lives.

0044 784 241 8475

Newcastle, UK

St Lawrence Road